Friday, January 3, 2014

The New Huey Long Of New York:  Newly Elected Mayor Bill de Blasio,  "The Kingfish" of Racial Tension!
American politics has it’s own harbinger of success and failure.
  Like the “Rockin Robin” of springtime,   Bill Clinton’s appearance at the newly elected NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s inauguration portends ominous signs of “Liberal Fascism” replete with anti-white rhetoric;  class conflict;  and impending political cronyism.
Lest you think me too pessimistic,   let me refer you to  NYTimes article entitled ,  “Taking Office De Blasio Vows To Fix Inequity” by Michael M. Grynbaum. (posted earlier)
  Nothing strikes a more discordant chord of disharmony than the following words of populist sentiment:
“We are called to put an end to economic and social inequalities that THREATENED TO UNRAVEL [my emphasis] the city WE LOVE…Its urgency is read on the faces of our neighbors and their children,  as families STRUGGLE TO MAKE IT,  AGAINST INCREASINGLY LONG ODDS.”
That is the only the opening notes of the clarion call for class warfare!
  Let’s see how the 21st century populist a la Louisiana’s Huey Long,  De Blasio  continues his unabated diatribe against the invisible rich and  nefarious wealthy:
“Gone was the solemn air of inaugurations past,  replaced by the booming strains of DICO,  SOUL,  and DANCE MUSIC BY THE COMMODORES,  MARVIN GAYE, and DAFT PUNK spun by  a local D.J…… EVEN HILLARY CLINTON SWAYED WITH THE MUSIC".    Those Swinging Clintons are the Houdinis of truth,  integrity, and transparency,  followed by our very own POTUS, Obama.
“The ceremony was an unusually AIRING OF THE CITY’S RACIAL AND CLASS TENSIONS [my emphasis],  including a poem BRISTLING WITH FRUSTRATIONS about “ brownstones and BROWN SKIN PLAYING TUG-OF-WAR…. In the PLANTATION CALLED NEW YORK.” [all my emphasis].
"Mr. De Blasio,   A CAREFUL CUSTODIAN of HIS POPULIST IMAGE,   took pains to choreograph the appearance of a newly approachable,  and INCLUSIVE CITY HALL… NOT SHOWING THE MANY POLITICAL OPERATIVES AND LOBBYISTS IN THE CROWD."
Then, we have one more racial zinger:
 ---“Ms. McCray (his wife),  a poet herself,  described a New York that was not LIGHTS,  NOT BROADWAY,  NOT TIMES SQUARE But COFFEE-COLORED-CHILDREN- PLAYING  HOPSCOTCH ON WHAT IS LEFT OF A SIDEWALK.” 
  As you know by now,  I grew up in the 1950’s in Black Harlem on 108th street.    I don’t remember that we had La Grand Corniche of Cannes or Nice.     I recall the sidewalks were always filled with dog shit,  rubbish, and trash cans.   And despite that array of ‘discarded city life’,    we managed to play stick ball and chase each other using the tops of the trash cans as shields or weapons.    I won a scholarship when I was 15 years old that enabled me to go to Cornell,  far away from the city's strife.

But, of course, I am waxing poetic.    The truth was a little more ugly.   Since DeBlasio has an affliction,  if not addiction,   for the poor and lonely Sandinista Terrorists or any other group espousing ‘violence’ and ‘hate’,   I do remember a gang of black ‘thugs’ trying to beat up on a ‘bunch of white boys’ who were called by such affectionate terms as ‘honkey’, ‘pillsbury’ and ‘faggot’. 
For those  Liberal  New York Jews living near  Zabars,  on the Upper West Side,  my first encounter with virulent anti-semitism was gratis of the ‘brown/black’ skinned ‘under privileged‘ youths.
  “Kike”,  “Christ Killer” were routine epithets of the black denizens of my ghetto who intimidated me and other white friends at Booker T Washington. 
  Therefore,  Mr De Blasio,   cut the populist nonsense!   If you pursue that route of white hate,  which is what you and your wife appear to be doing,  then you will divide the city as you clearly want to do for your own political purposes.
  The better part of me would hope that you are a smart enough politician to realize that Huey Long’s legacy was divisive,  intrusive and at the end quite lethal … to him.
  Remember,   Mr DeBlasio,   NYC is not Nicaragua.    New Yorkers are not Sandinistas.   Your mentor may have been Mayor Dinkins.    But it may behoove you to remember that your immediate predecessor,  Bloomberg,  received only one dollar salary per year for his Mayoral work.    However,  he spent close to $700M dollars of his own personal wealth to improve the condition of his less fortunate New Yorkers.

Al Smith,  may have been your model,  but he was also part of a very sophisticated Jewish/Italian gang that helped elect your Presidential idol FDR,  an extremely ruthless politician who was able to initiate and conduct two major world wars from a wheel chair.
The choice is yours.    You can continue to elaborate on the "DECREPIT HOMELESS SHELTERS IN THE SHADOW OF GLEAMING MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR CONDOS" [my emphasis] … or you can decide to make your rhetoric more mature,  intelligent, and cautious. 
  Otherwise,   you will have pursue the course of all Liberal Fascists—Robespierre [beheaded];  Trotsky[axed];  and The Kingfish Huey Long –shot by Dr Weiss.
  That’s not a threat,   just a fact of the inevitable denouement of contrived civil strife infested with racial hatred,  and anti-entrepreneurial sentiments.
  Death becomes the inevitable retort to those who use Liberal Fascism and racial epithets as the tool of political manipulation and hierarchical despotism. 
DeBlasio!  recant your hateful,  class/racial warfare rhetoric!  In case you were too busy helping the Sandinistas,   let me remind you that Marvin Gaye also sang about Peace and Love!


  1. " Death becomes the inevitable retort to those who use Liberal Fascism and racial epithets as the tool of political manipulation and hierarchical despotism."
    You neglected to name "Obama" in this list.

    Tom Clancy's murder backstory: boyhood friend in summer camp was a source for his information. Jim Garrow.
    Mr. Garrow has made numerous contacts and developed a network of inside sources. Mr. Garrow is now coming forward with explosive allegations pertaining to a variety of controversial issues, from the suspicious deaths and deliberate marginalization of journalists, to the truth about Barack Hussein Obama.

    Start@ 45min:

    1. Dr. P this is the worst post you've ever made.

      Whenever bankers and financiers like yourself whale that a populist is making a "clarion call for class warfare" I know you are full of sh**.

      Let me remind you that almost all the wealth and income in this country is now in the hands of a very small number of people, which used to not be the case.

      In the last fourty years the percentage of those living in poverty has stayed about the same, the middle class has lost most of their income, most can make it only with both spouses working, while the filthy rich have soaked up more and more and more of everything AT EVERYONE ELSE'S EXPENSE.....

      The class warfare that's being waged by people of your ilk Dr.P is you bankers and finance capitalists against everyone else, not the other way around.

      As mayor of New York De Blazio can't do too much to effect these outrages but the mere fact the someone with his rhetoric has replaced rich and completely idiotic Wall Street schmuck like Bloom-berg heralds the new direction this country is now taking.

      A new libertarianism is now in full swing, and it involves getting the government out of our personal habits, out of our cell phones and emails, but re-instating the simple protections we all used to have such as......

      1.Re-regulating the banks, insurance companies and utilities.

      2.Re-instating the capital gains tax rates the way they used to be in the 1980s, as well as all the other higher income rates.

      The 1980s was a time of growth, and this was made possible by not having such fiscal imbalance which is wholey the result of the Bush tax cuts and the Clinton/Gingrich gutting of the capital gains rates.

      When we return to the tax rates for the finance class that they used to pay then the economy will grow again the way it did when those rates were higher.

      The major reason for slow growth is the reduction of tax rates for the finance class.

      Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

    2. Oh and here's another thing....

      Why is it whenever New York has a mayor with an Italian name he brings honesty and good governance to the city.

      But when mayors with names like "Kock" or "Bloomberg" are around the place becomes a laughing stock...

      Why is that?

    3. Another thing which must happen is a sales tax on the sale of all financial instruments for speculation.

      Speculation should be taxed and taxed and when anyone makes a windfall from speculation he should have to be made to pay to balance the Federal budget.

      And if they leave the US and take their speculations to other makets overseas they will have their citizenship revoked and all their properties in the US seized just as drug dealers and money launderers have done.

    4. NOW as for the "Sandinista Terrorists"

      Funny but I don't remember the Sandinista fighters in Nicaragua being terrorists.

      What I do remember was the CIA Central America Task Force under Dewey Claridge, Ronald Reagan and Bill Casey unleasing a torrent of terrorism on the rural peasants and infrastructure [such as it was] of Nicaragua through several of the "Contra" groups. The "Contras" started out like the anti-Castro groups - a mixed bag of real freedom fighters and criminals in which over time the criminals killed off or scared away the good guys and then all that was left was a bunch of cutthroats rampaging through the countryside raping and killing girls, burning down houses, murdering ordinary people, castrating know the normal kinda central American right-wing sorta stuff.......

      A lot of good Americans opposed the CIA in those days in Central America in Guatamala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

      If DeBlazio was one of those good Americans rather than the rapist, mutilating, electro-shocking, castrating minions of the CIA, Casey and I presume yourself.....

      Then that's a mark of honor in my book!

    5. Better get used to guys like DiBlazio because it will be liberals like him who will take over the Democratic party in the next few years and will win the Presidency not only in 2016 but thereafter....

      If you're a millionaire you loves your 15% capital gains tax rate and likes the fact that you pay less taxes than your secretary so that our country will have a 17 billion dollar debt.....


      They love that kind of capitalism over there.

    6. I mean a 17 TRILLION dollar debt....

      A thousand billion here and there and it all adds up!

    7. NEO-LIBERTARIANISM................

      [as here and now defined by myself]

      "A social philosophy which objects to state control on personal actions and choices, but which advocates for strong state control over COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES."

      In this way this philosophy is largely a return to the populism of the late nineteenth century in which government took little interest in personal or family issues but which saw a distinction between the personal life and the commercial.

      For example....

      In the first transportation codes adopted by all states it was a requirement that all operators of motor vehicles for COMMERCIAL purposes have licenses and pay taxes....

      However it was not until much later that drivers not using their vehicles for commercial purposes but only personal ones be required to register their cars, pay taxes, and have drivers' licenses, and later insurance......

      The traditional American view until the last sixty years or so held that government should regulate business and commercial activities throughly but not personal behaviors.

      Somehow all this has come to be reversed [gee do you think it has anything to do with corporate lobbying?] and neo-libertarianism [which I just founded] is intended to revert to the prior and better condition in which there was higher rates of economic growth and more individual happiness.

    8. Americans used to always have a very skeptical and cynical view of businessmen and what goes on in business. This is why Americans always expected their government to protect them from businessmen and the evils that businessmen do. This was never considered limiting freedom in any way.

      But recently the business lobby has worked to change the public's opinion about businessmen.

      Today businessmen are "job creators" and "entrepreneurs" who can do no wrong and without them doing each and every thing they want to do we'd all be homeless and destitute.

      Businessmen today don't even want their employees to be called employees, least they think what they really are....

      No they are "associates," and there are no more "personnel departments" instead we have "human resources....."

      Well before government adopted Orwellian language businessmen adopted it all.

    9. Listen MIT man. In 10 years because of people like you all the USA will become Flatbush in Brooklyn. You want eqality - equality is in the grave. Lenin and Stalin wanted the same - you will join the concentration camp really. I cried after the argument on the usefulness of the Italian family name.

    10. Diblazio is German - he won the NYC because everybody was so complacent and got used to the good times. He will up the NYC . Populism wins only if you sell successfully the natural resources, borrow or print money - de blazio thankfully can not do that. He only can ruin the crown jewel of NYC - financial and service industry. And then there will be " white flight" like in Detroit. I would sell Short the real estate in MAnhattan now. As far as I remember people didn't walk through central park in early 1970s. The robbery was inevitable. Those days will come again. I can bet MIT guy you were not in your parent's projects those times.

    11. I'm a racist and a Nazi who doesn't believe in any kind of equality.

      But government policy should work to protect working people from the evils of businessmen.

      Free capitalism is feudalism in which the ones with all the gold make all the rules, in Russia today.

      The Nazi way is to limit the power of the aristocrats and the finance interests in favor or workers, farmers, and tradesmen.

      That's why Germany and Norway and Finland are the envies of the world while the slavic countries are all full of alcoholics, drug addicts, mafia, just like Israel built on the backs of the helotry of the arab indiginous peoples.......

      Deutchland Uber alles.

    12. If Russia is such a great place why is it that 90 percent of all Russians are alcoholics?

      Only Russians would use a drug like "Crocodile" also.

  2. Strike Dr James Garrow off your contacts list. Sociopath Con Man from Guelph, Ontario. Does not pass an easy test of credibility. Really sketchy past. Just jumping on the talking head alternative media circuit. Alex Jones interviewed him but was to his credit standing well back. Bad actor!

  3. EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Mysterious Illness is Spreading Like Wildfire" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 3, 2014! According to Alex Jones, both his (Alex Jones) cousin and uncle are now dead from this mentioned (stated in other comments) mysterious disease! Dr. Pieczenik M.D. Ph.D. please contact Alex Jones and get on the ALEX JONES SHOW concerning said mysterious disease!

  4. Is Mr. DeBlasio connected to the C.I.A. Dr. Pieczenik??? You say Mr. DeBlasio was involved with Nicaragua!

    Remember, Vice-President (A.K.A.: Vice-Prick) George H. W. Bush Sr. (SKULL AND BONES) and Governor William Jefferson Clinton (SKULL AND BONES) were in charge of IRAN/CONTRA! Governor William Jefferson Clinton (SKULL AND BONES) oversaw the massive amounts of cocaine brought in at MENA AIRPORT with his (Governor Clinton) brother, who he (President William Jefferson Clinton (SKULL AND BONES)) later questionably PARDONED!

    When George H. W. Bush Sr. (SKULL AND BONES) became President (FRAUD ???), President George H. W. Bush Sr. (SKULL AND BONES) "PARDONED" most of the individuals illegally involved with IRAN/CONTRA (MASSIVE COCAINE TRAFFICKING BY THE C.I.A. (controlled by SKULL AND BONES))!

  5. EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Doctor: Troops to be Given Lobotomy Vaccines" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014! Alex Jones interviewed Dr. Sherri Tenpenny M.D., who is a regular guest on the ALEX JONES SHOW! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny M.D. is an "EXPERT" concerning the various vaccine issues!

    1. Also, SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "Doctor: Flu Vaccine Creating Killer Flu" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014; and "Doctor: Bill Gates Drones to Deliver Vaccines" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny M.D. is an "EXPERT" concerning the various vaccine issues! What is in the current vaccines??? What about the children at the schools being illegally forced to take various vaccines intentionally containing dangerous and/or poisonous elements??? What about U.S.???

  6. EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Celente Trends 2014: Global Economies Tanking and Gold Prices Rising" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 3, 2014! David Knight (ALEX JONES NIGHTLY NEWS REPORTER) interviewed top trends forecaster Gerald Celente (TRENDS JOURNAL)! Gerald Celente believes the UNITED STATES ECONOMY will severely "TANK" during 2014!

    This is a multifaceted program by the NEW WORLD ORDER (George H. W. Bush Sr. (SKULL AND BONES) SPEECHES 1991)! Most of the said "FRONTS" are sophisticated and complex! One (1) of the "major" fronts is OBAMACARE (NAZI CARE) to establish "MARTIAL LAW"! Basically, the NEW WORLD ORDER (CITY OF LONDON, England that reports to JESUIT ORDER) want to establish "MARTIAL LAW" and illegally remove all "LEGAL FIREARMS" (violation of 2nd Amendment of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION)! At that point, as stated in other comments, there is a very high probability of the release of bio-weapons to further "MARTIAL LAW"! Then, EVERYONE will be "hulled" to the F.E.M.A. "DEATH" CAMPS to be "EXTERMINATED"!

    As stated in other comments, the NEW WORLD ORDER (CITY OF LONDON, England that reports to JESUIT ORDER) want a bio-holocaust with a subsequent nuclear holocaust to "EXTERMINATE" 99.99% of the POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES! If you are NOT UNDERGROUND (SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S03E04 Ozarks" posted by gregory houssard April 7, 2013) or "OFFSHORE," YOU ARE "DEAD"!!!!!!! THEY (NEW WORLD ORDER) JUST WANT EVERYONE "DEAD"!

  7. EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Autonomous Terminator Like Robots will Decide Your Fate" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 3, 2014! I do NOT believe everything Alex Jones states himself; however, this is REAL!

    Senator Rand Paul (Republican Senator from Kentucky) did a filibuster on the SENATE FLOOR for about 13 hours to discuss the "DRONE ISSUE"! Can illegitimate Obama (C.I.A. ASSET and British agent) use "DRONES" to kill American citizens on UNITED STATES SOIL??? Who answered the "QUESTION"??? It was U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL Eric Holder (UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE), who was involved with FAST AND FURIOUS (ILLEGAL WEAPONS TRAFFICKING for ILLEGAL DRUGS TRAFFICKING) and OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING (DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL)!

    Illegitimate Obama (C.I.A. ASSET) stated publicly he (illegitimate Obama) is very good at "killing people"! This was concerning the various "DRONE STRIKES" in Pakistan, that are internationally illegal! Because, there is the intentional terminating of civilians not military personnel!

    I believe these said "drone strikes" in Pakistan are for the destabilization of the "STATE" to illegally move the "NUKES" to SAUDI ARABIA (indirect FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS by Al Qaeda ???)! The C.I.A. (controlled by SKULL AND BONES) are heavily involved in Pakistan and SAUDI ARABIA, along with other intelligence agencies, such as, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE!

  8. Raymond, this isn't the first influenza outbreak nor the last, but one of the worst was called the 1918 flu pandemic from January 1918 - December 1920. As noted by wikipedia; "this was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic, the first of the two pandemics involving H1N1 influenza virus (the second being the 2009 flu pandemic). It infected 500 million people across the world, including remote Pacific islands and the Arctic, and killed 50 to 100 million of them -- 3 to 5 percent of the world's population -- making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in human history". The article goes on to note because Spain was one of the few countries which was at liberty to freely publish news reports on this epidemic (unlike Germany, Britain, France and the United States), the flu was given a false nick name: (due to the FALSE impression via greater press coverage in Spain) i.e. as to the origin of the pandemic) "The Spanish Flu". "Most influenza outbreaks disproportionately kill juvenile, elderly, or already weakened patients; in contrast to the 1918 pandemic which killed predominantly previously healthy young adults. Modern research, using virus taken from the bodies of frozen victims, has concluded that the virus kills through a CYTOKINE STORM (overreaction of the body's immune system). The strong immune reactions of young adults ravaged the body, whereas the weaker immune systems of children and middle-aged adults resulted in fewer deaths among those groups". "Historical and epidemiological data are inadequate to identify the pandemic's geographic origin". "The close quarters and massive troop movements of World War I hastened the pandemic and probably both increased transmission and augmented mutation; the war may also have increased the lethality of the virus. Some speculate the soldiers' immune systems were weakened by malnourishment, as well as the stresses of combat and chemical attacks, increasing their susceptibility".
    The article goes on to say that; "academic Andrew Price-Smith has made the controversial argument that the virus helped tip the balance of power in the later days of the war towards the Allied cause. Noting higher mortality rates in Germany and Austria compared with Britain and France".

  9. The article goes on to state that; "In the Pacific, American Samoa and the French colony of New Caledonia also succeeded in preventing even a single death from influenza through effective QUARANTINES". "By the end of the pandemic only one major region on the entire planet had not reported an outbreak: an isolated island called Marajo, located in Brazil's Amazon River Delta".

    1. I wonder if these said outbreaks were "test runs" for the NEW WORLD ORDER (CITY OF LONDON, England that reports to JESUIT ORDER) currently "planned" bio-holocaust (SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "population reduction after economic collapse" by George Green (FORMER INSIDER))!

      As stated in several other comments, the NEW WORLD ORDER (George H. W. Bush Sr. (SKULL AND BONES) SPEECHES 1991) want to "MASS-GENOCIDE" about 7 BILLION PEOPLE out of about 7.2 BILLION PEOPLE WORLD WIDE (SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "population reduction after economic collapse" by George Green (YOU TUBE only); "Project Camelot Interviews George Green - Part 1 of 2" (00:00 to 08:32) posted by Project Camelot (AUTHENTIC VIDEO) on April 16, 2008; "Q1 - The Thermonuclear Threat" posted by Lyndon LaRouche PAC (AUTHENTIC VIDEO) November 10, 2013; "Q4: What is the significance of the 'Snowden affair' and Obama's Narcissistic response to it?" posted by Lyndon LaRouche PAC (AUTHENTIC VIDEO) on July 13, 2013; and Conspiracy Theory W/ Jesse Ventura: Secret Societies, Plum Island, Police State, Great Lakes, BP Oil Spill, and "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S03E04 Ozarks" (6 EPISODES FULL LENGTH AT YOU TUBE)); and OVER 90% of the remnant will be chemically lobotomized (vaccines containing Mercury and/or Aluminum), made sterile (SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "Doctor: Troops to be Given Lobotomy Vaccines" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014"; "Doctor: Flu Vaccine Creating Killer Flu" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014; and "Doctor: Bill Gates Drones to Deliver Vaccines" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014), and made infertile (SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "Doctor: Troops to be Given Lobotomy Vaccines" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014"; "Doctor: Flu Vaccine Creating Killer Flu" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014; and "Doctor: Bill Gates Drones to Deliver Vaccines" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 2, 2014) to make-up a POOL FOR HIDEOUS EXPERIMENTS (NAZI ???) AND MASSIVE PAGAN HUMAN SACRIFICES! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny M.D. is an "EXPERT" concerning the various vaccine issues!

  10. I am a new guy here however I have no doubt what was stated by james rae about garrows past is accurate however that oct 8 nuke story where he stated we were all nearly blown off the map seems legit and it fits the timeline about a 4.5 earthquake on that day as well as the 3 off line black ops nukes that were taken from dyers illegally the month before? I know nothing about the man except that story was the biggest news of 13 and nobody ever really talked about it and allegedly Russian intel stated a nuke went off the coast of that day 600 miles or so as well-

  11. "The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much deadlier than the first. The first wave had resembled typical flu epidemics; those most at risk were the sick and elderly, while younger, healthier people recovered easily. But in August, when the second wave began in France, Sierra Leone (Re: Mit's former self proclaimed stomping grounds), and the United States,[51] the virus had mutated to a much deadlier form. This has been attributed to the circumstances of the First World War.[52]
    In civilian life, natural selection favours a mild strain. Those who get very ill stay home, and those mildly ill continue with their lives, preferentially spreading the mild strain. In the trenches, natural selection was reversed. Soldiers with a mild strain stayed where they were, while the severely ill were sent on crowded trains to crowded field hospitals, spreading the deadlier virus. The second wave began and the flu quickly spread around the world again. Consequently, during modern pandemics health officials pay attention when the virus reaches places with social upheaval (looking for deadlier strains of the virus)".

  12. "The fact that most of those who recovered from first-wave infections were now immune showed that it must have been the same strain of flu".

  13. Also noted; "The majority of deaths were from bacterial pneumonia, a secondary infection caused by influenza, but the virus also killed people directly, causing massive hemorrhages and edema in the lung".

    1. It got started in the US when legions of WW1 servicemen all huddled together in crowed camps in New England and other cold places started dying off like flies, and then it spread from there.

      This was God's just response to the US intervening on the side of the French and English and AGAINST Germany in the war.

      It was the US replacing the Russians in 1917 which kept Germany from defeating the French and English as the Germans had defeated the French in 1987.

      After the Germans defeated the French in 1887 everything was just fine, and would have been again, but the wrongful defeat of Germany by the US in 1918 is what led to the Second World War, the Cold War, the rise of Stalin, etc....etc.....

    2. What was needed in 1914-1918 was another repeat of the Franco-Prussian war, in which the Germans took nothing from the French and were gracious to the defeated parties as always....

      That's the German way.

    3. That was most UNFORTUNATE! The Germans got totally "F***ED" after W.W. I; and they (Germans) did NOT even initiate the WAR, until after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on 28 June 1914!

      "The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, was drafted at the Paris Peace Conference in the spring of 1919 and shaped by the Big Four powers—Great Britain, France, Italy, and the United States. This souvenir copy of the Paris Peace Conference program is signed by President Woodrow Wilson and other world leaders." [from an article by The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History]

      The Treaty of Versailles was NOT ratified by the UNITED STATES SENATE!

      The Treaty of Versailles completely "F***ED" Germany, and this laid the foundation for the reign of Adolf Hitler (The Führer)! Adolf Hitler was a bastard child from a ROTHSCHILD; and Adolf Hitler created a fake genealogy, because THE ROTHSCHILD FAMILY was claiming to be Jewish! However, the ROTHSCHILD FAMILY is from the 8th Century Persia (Synagogue of Satan (Revelation Chapter 2:9)) and migrated to Germany!

      Dr. Steve Pieczenik M.D. Ph.D. has a few choice words for The Führer (Adolf Hitler), because Dr. Pieczenik is a real JEW out of the Jewish holocaust; and he (Dr. Pieczenik) got to experience this monster's "EVIL"!

    4. You have got WRONG! First of all, the people (SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "The Bush Family, Wall St., Eugenics, Darwinism, and Fascism (full lecture)" posted by LaRouchesupport (AUTHENTIC) on May 23, 2012) that put Adolf Hitler into power put Vladimir Lenin into power! In addition, they also financed the Chinese revolution and Chairman Moa Tse Tung, who was a SKULL AND BONES MEMBER (CHINESE CHAPTER)! It was the CITY OF LONDON, bankers (KNIGHTS OF MALTA and "ILLUMINATI" MASONS that report to the JESUIT ORDER)!

      I know, from previous comments, you think the KNIGHTS OF MALTA are not an issue! The KNIGHTS OF MALTA are "HARD CORE" DEVIL WORSHIPERS (Aleister Crowley level worship ("DO AS THOU WILT")), and the QUEEN OF ENGLAND and parts of the ROTHSCHILD FAMILY are also members of the KNIGHTS OF MALTA!


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi Steve here is The Russian guy with twins from south pointe. Really glad to see that sober and realistic people still exist in states. I was born and raised in USSR and experienced all the beauties of socialism and communism on my skin. This populists want everybody to be equally poor and live in hatred. All this clintons obamas and deblasios will lead USA to Detroit. Just wonder why all this left wing white suicide killers do not realize that. They will become soon the white And hated minority in places like NYC. Just wonder how the US will survive when it will become like Paris suburb in the coming years?

    1. Personally I've never met a Russian in the United States who wasn't a crook.

      Every ethnic group in the US is known for some area of contribution, some area where they excel, even if it's only in menial labor....

      But with Russians they seem to be all simply criminals of one kind or another.

      Russia is basically a predatory culture with a national character which is always tyrannical and clyptocratic in which ruthlessness is always the order of the day.

      Glad to see that Stalinism and Soviet Communism is now indistinguishable in your Russian mind from the socialisms which have made Germany and Norway the envies of the world....

      You'll get along just fine here as this country is known worldwide for being a refuge for every kind of crook from any part of the planet, whether they be from latin America, Africa, and now places like Russia and Ukraine.

    2. btw....

      You woudn't happen to be Ayn Rand would you?

    3. In explaination....

      Ayn Rand was a wacko who conflated any form of altruism or empathy with Stalinism.

      Today in America idiotic people still read her screeds and think she was merely advocating for the freedom of individual action and libertarianism....she wasn't.

      Ayn Rand's favorite places were like El Salvador or Guatamala, in which noble and wise plutocrats own everything and share nothing and use the surfs for personal and sexual amusement.

      Ayn Rand argued for feudalism.

    4. I am rubber and you are tar. What you call me bounces off me and sticks to you....Na na na....

    5. But you are the racist mofu to stick labels to everybody. I live in Russia and don't wanna come to live in states because of human waste like you. You will end up in line for the toilet paper in black neighborhood or in concentration camp if the idiots like you will gain the power. Yes increase the tax on financial transactions and your financial markets will move to Singapore and London. Norway pays for their socialism from the high price of oil. Look at south Africa - this is the example you desire- slow death from AIDS and corruption. You were born in prosperity and wealth and will end up stubbed by lumpen black guy in the line for the pound of soap.

    6. Label was : every Russian is a crook.

    7. It is the faulty generalization and humiliation and discrimination based on race nationality or ethnicity- every attorney will tell you that.

    8. Like a typical Russian you are wrong about every single thing you've said.

      Norway had the highest standard of living in the world decades before they discovered oil.

      All the oil revenues are going into a soverign wealth fund from which no monies are taken to meet government spending. That fund is now about 1 trillion dollars, larger than the funds of the stinking Arab Saudis or other stinking, corrupt Arab oil producers.

      As for a tax on financial speculation I just said that if Americans trade offshore they have to pay the tax or else their citizenship will be revoked and all their property seized. This is very serious I know but speculation should be a always used to be and there's no reason it shouldn't be again.

      People like Dr.P, George Soros, and other Jews of international finance specialize in speculation whereas Norwegians and Germans tend to make their money by creating things.....

      Call that racist if you like but people are defined by the cultures they arise from as well as their epigenetic endowments. That's science Dude.

      If you have a counter-argument I listening, but what the world knows is that Russians are about the most Chauvanistic people on earth, with huge arrogance about their own slavic race and country, but all they ever achieved was brut force and enslaving other people.

    9. A faulty generalization and humiliation and discrimination based on race like "you will end up stubbed by lumpen black guy" Alex?

  16. To Dr. Pieczenik M.D. Ph.D.:

    Dr. Pieczenik you should have noticed by now that the NEW WORLD ORDER "ELITE" are "playing it ear"! This has been going on since FALL OF 2006, after I E-Mailed illegitimate President George W. Bush Jr. (SKULL AND BONES) telling him (George W. Bush Jr.) to stay out of IRAN; or the UNITED STATES was going to be nuked by the Russians and Chinese!

    The first thing that happened was an investigation on me, concerning who I was! The C.I.A. and various agents of the Vatican were all over me! During then interim, the destruction of the EARTH was placed on hold by the CITY OF LONDON, England and the Vatican (JESUIT ORDER)!

    When they found out I was in contact with brothels in Nevada, there was a determination by the "ELITE" finding me unauthentic! However, I was authorized by GOD to contact said brothels, because of who I actually am (#2 person in this Universe) and other connected reasons! Furthermore, the "ELITE" were in contact with individuals that knew the prior situation concerning being "cut-off" by GOD between 1985 to 2005, when I met GOD in the alley!

    They ("ELITE") ordered the destruction of the EARTH to continue and to find ways to meet the requirements from the BIBLE! This was to possibly please the demons and SATAN!

    George H. W. Bush Sr. (SKULL AND BONES) was to take the lead, because the "ELITE" found that George W. Bush Jr. "screwed-up" by listening to my said E-Mails and NOT INVADING IRAN (FALL OF 2006)!

  17. You're right in that most humans who hold themselves out at saviors are con men. Most people who join police forces hold themselves out as helpers of the community when their real intention is to fuck people.

    That's the way humans are, and the failure of cynicism or skepticism about other peoples' motives are the root of it.

    But on the other hand when a country is over-run by corruption it requires a single motivated leader to clean things out. Until John Kennedy was murdered he was that kind of leader, although when he took office that wasn't his intention. To some extent FDR was that kind of leader in that he improved conditions and attitudes as well as instituted banking and other regulations on greedy businessmen. At the same time Hitler took a country full of Stalinists and greedy aristocrats who led Germany into desaster and within two years eliminated unemployment and doubled wages, making Germany the only prosperous country on earth.

    All that's needed is a single person with the motivation to reverse all the corrupt and feckless policies of the last fifty years and return us to what we used to have, and the way we used to do things, and everything will be fine.

    We would once again be on the path to eliminating poverty, the national debt, and increasing the happiness of the middle classes and other hard working people.

    But we have to return to the way we used to do things.

    Change has not been good.

  18. Do I have to continually rise the defense of sex workers?

    Let me tell you women who have sex in exchange for money are no different than any other women. All women at one time or another adapt themselves to having sex in exchange for benefits that they must have. It's always been that way and always will be and that's the way humanity and nature are organized so get over it.

    And don't fool yourself into thinking that when a sex worker fucks a client that she isn't enjoying it because her sex with most customers is just as enjoyable or non-enjoyable as their sex with husbands or boyfriends.

    Women either like to screw or they don't, sometimes when sober or usually when intoxicated.....

    All the world knows this if they have real world experience in the actual world that really exists.

  19. It's all chemical anyway so get over your romantic illusions.

    I can take any ordinary woman will normal sex drive, meaning she doesn't like sex much, and give her just a tiny amount of testosterone and she will crave fucking anything wearing trousers!

    For that matter take any woman and giver her MDMA or methanphetamine and she will become a nymphomaniac immediately..

    It's just chemistry Dude.

  20. And if they do get married to a nice guy who marries them and gives them everything it's just a matter of time before they'll get dissastified and then sue for divorce when the man has done nothing wrong......

    That's the real world Dude.

  21. What is it about meth, that makes women nympho's ?

  22. Love Carol King's songs. Hope she found someone who will treat her better.

  23. Judging from the number of words you devoted to this this topic I can bet MIT buddy that you have real issues creating relationships with women without The help of money and MDMA

  24. And instead of this you guys have Obama.....even the "evil for Russia" called Putin beats him like a kid....pity for the only country that hasn't lost the entrepreneurial spirit.


    To Dr. Pieczenik M.D. Ph.D.:

    Dr. Pieczenik you should have noticed by now that the NEW WORLD ORDER "ELITE" are "playing it [correction] by ear"! This has been going on since FALL OF 2006, after I E-Mailed illegitimate President George W. Bush Jr. (SKULL AND BONES) telling him (George W. Bush Jr.) to stay out of IRAN; or the UNITED STATES was going to be nuked by the Russians and Chinese!

    The first thing that happened was an investigation on me, concerning who I was! The C.I.A. and various agents of the Vatican were all over me! During [correction] the interim, the destruction of the EARTH was placed on hold by the CITY OF LONDON, England and the Vatican (JESUIT ORDER)!

    When they found out I was in contact with brothels in Nevada, there was a determination by the "ELITE" finding me unauthentic! However, I was authorized by GOD to contact said brothels, because of who I actually am (#2 person in this Universe) and other connected reasons! Furthermore, the "ELITE" were in contact with individuals that knew the prior situation concerning being "cut-off" by GOD between 1985 to 2005, when I met GOD in the alley!

    They ("ELITE") ordered the destruction of the EARTH to continue and to find ways to meet the requirements [prophecies] from the BIBLE! This was to possibly please the demons and SATAN!

    George H. W. Bush Sr. (SKULL AND BONES) was to take the lead, because the "ELITE" found that George W. Bush Jr. "screwed-up" by listening to my said E-Mails and NOT INVADING IRAN (FALL OF 2006)!


    EVERYONE MUST SEE the movie "W"! Near the end of the said movie, in the oval office (Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.), Bush Sr. told [Bush Jr. "day-dreaming"] Bush Jr. he (Bush Jr.) screwed-up 200 years of work! This was SATANWOOD'S message to the general population concerning Bush Jr. NOT INVADING IRAN during the FALL OF 2006 (YEAR OF DARKNESS)!

  26. To answer this:

    "So let me get this straight Raymond, you are saying because you are number 2 in the universe God is giving you permission to fuck prostitutes in Nevada? Interesting religion you practice. Ay yi yi !" posted by Learn from history !January 5, 2014 at 6:45 AM!

    Learn from History, if you read the OLD TESTAMENT (BIBLE), you will find out GOD uses strange actions by particular prophets to send messages. One (1) was of the said prophets (HOSEA) was ordered by GOD to actually marry a prostitute, because the children of Israel were committing "SPIRITUAL PROSTITUTION"! In fact, GOD called the NORTHERN and SOUTHERN KINGDOMS of Israel "SPIRITUAL PROSTITUTES"! This is also the "KEY" (CLUE) to solving the true meaning Revelation Chapter 17 (THE GREAT SPIRITUAL WHORE)!

    Everyone must understand, I was and still am arguing GOD modified HIS LAW on July 7, 2006 (YEAR OF DARKNESS)! This was the message I was E-Mailing to a particular prostitute by the name of Taylor Sterling!

    The said "action message" was it was now "legal" to go out with prostitutes. When GOD modified HIS LAW on July 7, 2006, GOD was now in a position to "PARDON" the REMAINING BALANCE (99.9%)! This was salvation to "DARKNESS"!

    If they "END ME" before GOD can crossover and do a stable transition back to immortality, will this completely "screw-up" what was done??? NO! However, at my "END," a new and improved HELL will be opened for those responsible for my "END" and GOD'S shame (violation of the LAW), for failing to transition me off the EARTH! GOD can NOT do a stable transition until HE (GOD) can "legally" crossover! GOD restricted HIMSELF by HIS LAW! GOD tried during 2005 and during 2006, with the assistance of the CONTINUUM OF GOD HEADS (CROSSED OVER DURING 2006 BECAUSE OF MY SITUATION), to transition me back to immortality! I am stuck down here with the "middle management" of "DARKNESS" (CITY OF LONDON, England that reports to JESUIT ORDER) taking-out my "ENTIRE" BACKGROUND to substantiate an "IDENTITY SWITCH"!

    Taylor Sterling was working at THE MOONLITE BUNNY RANCH at Carson City, Nevada! I first started to contact Taylor Sterling during March 2008 from my MySpace E-Mail account. The last contact I had with Taylor Sterling was during May 2008. Later, during October 2008 (Halloween sacrifice ???), Taylor Sterling was removed from the "ENTIRE" INTERNET, with the exception of THE MOONLITE BUNNY RANCH "WEB PAGE"! When I tried to reach Taylor Sterling at THE MOONLITE BUNNY RANCH, I was told she (Taylor Sterling) was on vacation! Again I tried during 2009, and Taylor Sterling was still on vacation!

    1. It's for all these reasons why I could never subscribe to a religion with a god like that.


    Learn from History, if you read the OLD TESTAMENT (BIBLE), you will find out GOD uses strange actions by particular prophets to send messages. [minor correction] One (1) of the said prophets (HOSEA) was ordered by GOD to actually marry a prostitute, because the children of Israel were committing "SPIRITUAL PROSTITUTION"! In fact, GOD called the NORTHERN and SOUTHERN KINGDOMS of Israel "SPIRITUAL PROSTITUTES"! This is also the "KEY" (CLUE) to solving the true meaning Revelation Chapter 17 (THE GREAT SPIRITUAL WHORE)!

    1. The only thing Jews ever liked about sex was that it was something else to be made money from...


    "The said "action message" was it was now "legal" to go out with prostitutes. When GOD modified HIS LAW on July 7, 2006, GOD was now in a position to "PARDON" the REMAINING BALANCE (99.9%)! This was salvation to "DARKNESS"!"

    GOD has told me HE (GOD) will intentionally tolerate certain sexual sins being done by consenting adults! This will be done in the temporal ("WAYS OF THE FLESH") only! Sex with dead people and sex with various animals is still "highly illegal," and GOD reserves the "RIGHT TO DISCIPLINE" in the temporal ("WAYS OF THE FLESH")! Since GOD modified HIS LAW on July 7, 2006 (YEAR OF DARKNESS), GOD has gotten liberal with certain said sexual sins being done by consenting adults!


    The Sandy Hook videos (and many are fun to watch, particularly for the bad acting of Gene Rosen, Robbie Parker and Medical Examiner Carver) keep coming. The official report, dumped on the Friday afternoon after Christmas, was a redacted pile of nothing.

    The big news is that President Obama issued executive orders on background checks before gun purchases, using Sandy Hook as an excuse for action. This is Dr. P's territory. A psychiatrist will have every incentive to say a person is crazy and shouldn't be allowed to purchase a gun--what psychiatrist wants to be liable for an incident? The new executive orders don't make gun purchases illegal, just much, much harder. So much for your Second Amendment rights.

    Plenty is happening on the Sandy Hook investigative front. We were told that Sandy Hook Elementary School was a destination school, the reason why people would move into the area. In reality, it was originally scheduled to be demolished in April 2012. Only two grades operated in the west wing of the school. Sandy Hook failed ADA compliance and it was loaded with asbestos. The boilers were outdated and spilled oil into a local creek.

    The shooting was convenient for everybody. Connecticut got a ton of money, a demolished nonfunctioning school, and a brand new one. Obama got his restriction on handguns. The families all got money, and many have moved away.

    Much more, probably, to come.

  30. In all the years I have responded to medical emergencies, I have never, I mean never, seen people laugh when even one child died tragically, let alone as many as they claim at Sandy Hook. The response by these crisis actors who laugh and joke while being interviewed about their tragedy is beyond BIZARRE ! If you look at the reaction of the mother who lost her daughter recently to a tonsillectomy gone wrong on TV, now that is a grief stricken parent. No where do you see here stop and joke around before she thinks the camera is rolling. I think next time they should get some better crisis actors. As for Carver the Medical Examiner, reminds me of the court reporter who recorded this conversation of a victim of a beating; "Mr. Smith did you get shot in the fracas"? Mr. Smith responds: "No I got shot just below the fracas" I mean you can't make these lines up if you tried. But I assure you you will never hear a Dr. Cyril Wecht M.D. talk like such a moron in regards to such serious allegations as a mass shooting let alone a single dead child. Oddly Examiner Carver sounds like Jay Leno giving his monologue describing a part of the brain; Jay Leno points to the back of his head and calls it the "BRAINAL AREA". When asked where the children got shot Examiner Carver says äll over " Most physicians would be much better versed in anatomy, and I would venture to guess they wouldn't be laughing with 20 kids dead. What a bunch of BULLSHIT !

  31. It has no ring of truth to it, it insults your intelligence, and assaults you sensibilities. And this MIT is why I think this administration is stupid. Because they believe that all Americans believe this CRAP (Sandy) hook, line, and sinker ! Sorry for the pun. ; )

  32. If you believe Sandy Hook happened, then you believe Obama care is good for you as well. And I have some ocean front property in South Dakota I want to sell you.

    1. The latest Sandy Hook YouTube video:

      Sandy Hook Shooter Fatally Wounded By Police

      What's that you say? You thought Adam Lanza shot himself and the police never fired a shot? The official =report has that, too. Gotta cover all the bases.

      Read the comments by Joseph Prince, who states that the Sandy Hook school was a dump and was basically closed at the time. That certainly explains the lack of Christmas decorations on December 14th.

  33. And the so-called retired psychiatrist sounded the least credible to me as well, I mean during an active shooting, who says shit like "all i wanted to do is give them fruit punch, and have nap time, and read them children's stories" when people are getting shot. I would say to the kids after calling 911, wait here as I load my best weapon, as I go WABBIT hunting ! Lets Get Real Here. Of course with that said, George W. Bush actually did read a children's story book after Andrew Card whispered in his ear on 9/11, that Manhattan is under attack. Don't you get the same BIZZARE reaction to watching that as you do to Sandy Hook. I mean its as if Andrew Card whispered in Bush's ear "everything is going as planned Mr. President".. I mean he doesn't even jump up, but keeps looking at the Children's book. No ring of truth. This shit does not even closely mimic reality. You would get a bigger reaction out of someone who lit a trash basket on fire, let alone telling them the Twin Towers are collapsing from airplane strikes! WHAT A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT !!!

  34. I know MIT I'm living it as you write it.

  35. >>Absolutely nobody benefited from what happened there. There was no more gun control measures, or anything...<<

    Nonsense. You really haven't been paying attention. This goes to the highest level. That's how big this is.

    Newtown got a school demolished and then a brand new school. That's over $50 million, a large chunk of change for a small community.

    From Time magazine
    White House
    Administration Proposes Fixes To Gun Background Check System
    A year after Newtown school shooting

    By Zeke J Miller @zekejmillerJan. 03, 2014
    More than a year after the Newtown school shooting, the Obama administration on Friday announced two proposed rule changes to improve the federal background check system to keep guns out of the hands of those with mental health issues.

    The White House said the Department of Justice is taking steps to clarify terms in the federal law barring those with certain mental health problems from purchasing firearms following complaints from states that have called the statute ambiguous.

    MSN News:
    Obama to take Sandy Hook relatives to DC on Air Force One
    4/8/13 By Nedra Pickler of Associated Press
    After a speech in Connecticut, President Obama will take some relatives of Sandy Hook shooting victims to Washington on Air Force One to lobby senators on gun control.

    WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is providing a ride on Air Force One to 11 relatives of those killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., so they can attend his gun control speech Monday before heading to Washington to personally plead with senators reluctant to back gun legislation.

    Before a speech in Hartford, Obama plans to meet privately with relatives of seven children and one staffer killed during December's shooting. Afterward they plan to travel back to Washington on the presidential plane.

    The White House says Obama is going to argue in his speech that lawmakers have an obligation to the children killed and other victims of gun violence to allow an up-or-down vote in the Senate. That would require 50 votes to pass, rather than a procedural maneuver some Republican senators are threatening to require 60 votes, potentially sinking the legislation.

    "Imagine what they would say to the families of victims in Newtown about why a certain measure never came to a vote because they filibustered it," White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

  36. Not even a pair of deuces Mitt. Got to do better than that. Ya'll best cap it. It's out in the open.

  37. Discount????

    The last time I actually visited a Nevada brothel was during September 2002! It was the CHERRY PATCH RANCH, and I got burnt! I spent $600.00 to get a "good lay;" however, she (the prostitute) "got me off" really fast within 5 minutes, and she (said prostitute) stated: "That is it." The madam was even upset at this, and she (madam) ordered her (said prostitute) her to go another time!

    Later, on September 25, 2002, I was arrested by a North Las Vegas Police Officer for sleeping on a bus bench (improper use of a bus bench)! North Los Vegas Police used said arrest to submit an altered identity to the Nevada D.O.J. (my finger prints tied to a bogus identity)! Therefore, I have and a different identity in Nevada since 2002, and this is the reason why I have not been back to Nevada!

    Between 1994 and 2005, there was an arrangement between the immortals and GOD! This arrangement was done because GOD saved me from the abyss during January 1994 (massive brain hemorrhage form using poisonous speed)! In fact, they (fallen mortals and possibly an immortal) told me the speed contained a poison, after I used it for a while at the motel room (former motel at West St. and Katella Ave. Anaheim, California)! I was at work (Dishwasher at Coco's Restaurant at Chapman Ave. and Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove, California) when I experienced the said massive brain hemorrhage; and there were two (2) angels (multi-dimensional immortals) at the end of the dish station just before I briefly lost consciousness! Later, GOD confirmed that HE saved me, because I am NOT a "switch and pull" like everyone else; and HE could NOT do a stable transition of me back to immortality at the time!

    The COUNSEL OF TEN (Revelation Chapter 13:1) demanded more JUDGMENT! Additional judgement was granted by GOD; however, GOD resisted HIS JUDGMENT! Therefore, I would be able to survive until I would meet HIM in the alley! GOD overturned said JUDGMENT during April 2005! Currently, "identity switch" and "frame jobs" are illegal; however, "middle management" of "DARKNESS" still want to enforce the former judgment, and they (CITY OF LONDON, England that reports to JESUIT ORDER) do NOT CARE! Hence, there is my current situation ("ENTIRE" BACKGROUND (ALL RECORDS) "GONE" (either erased or modified))!


    Later, on September 25, 2002, I was arrested by a North Las Vegas Police Officer for sleeping on a bus bench (improper use of a bus bench)! North Los Vegas Police used said arrest to submit an altered identity to the Nevada D.O.J. (my finger prints tied to a bogus identity)! Therefore, I have [correction] had a different identity in Nevada since 2002, and this is the reason why I have not been back to Nevada!

    Between 1994 and 2005, there was an arrangement between the immortals and GOD! This arrangement was done because GOD saved me from the abyss during January 1994 (massive brain hemorrhage [correction] from using poisonous speed)! In fact, they (fallen mortals and possibly an immortal) told me the speed contained a poison, after I used it for a while at the motel room (former motel at West St. and Katella Ave. Anaheim, California)! I was at work (Dishwasher at Coco's Restaurant at Chapman Ave. and Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove, California) when I experienced the said massive brain hemorrhage; and there were two (2) angels (multi-dimensional immortals) at the end of the dish station just before I briefly lost consciousness! Later, GOD confirmed that HE saved me, because I am NOT a "switch and pull" like everyone else; and HE could NOT do a stable transition of me back to immortality at the time!

  39. EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "SENATE FLOOR: Sen. Paul Opposes Yellen Nomination to Federal Reserve - January 6, 2013" [minor clerical error] posted by SenatorRandPaul (AUTHENTIC) on January 6, 2014!

  40. LOL....

    Someone staged a mass shooting at a school to get a contract to build a new school?????

    Fifty million dollars????

    You're nuts.

    End of story.

  41. Raymond,

    I drift in and out of immortality myself all the time and it's no big deal.

    The first thousand times or so it seems like a big deal but like everything else it gets old after a while.

    It's sort of like the first ten thousand or so times I had sex with a teenager. After the first twenty thousand times it starts to lose its novelty.

    Go figure.

  42. And by teenager I do mean eighteen...barely legal but legal nonetheless....

  43. alex,

    All men have issues creating relationships with women.

    Gee I wonder why?

  44. Learn from history,

    Carol King had plenty of opportunities to pair up with nice guys when she chose the asshole who took her to Idaho for ten years and beat the shit out of her. There was something about that kind of guy that made her vagina wet and want to fuck and bond with him. That's the way women are....... Evil turns them on. Go figure.

    Now as for meth....

    It forces a release of dopamine inducing a sense of euphoria which enhances pleasure and motivates and causes the girl to lose all inhibition and find extreme pleasure in sex.

    Any pleasure enhancing drugs which force a release in pleasure chems like seratonin or dopamin will cause girls to find sex irresistable and want to be fucked by anyone around, even a homeless guy who hasn't shaved or bathed in years!

    Hey without it though the normal female will find the idea of being penetrated "gross" or "disgusting".....

    It's just their brain chemistry and has nothing to do with "romance" or "love" or any of your ideals.

    Grow up and learn the truth of life...the birds and the bees.

    That's why drugs are called "panty droppers."

  45. In the 1990s there was a black homeless guy who never took a bath or cut his hair and he lived around these dumpsters across the street from this high school....

    But he had some cocaine to share with the cute high school girls across the street and months later it turned out that ten or more of these girls turned up with HIV because of having unprotected sex behind the dumpster with this very cool Dude.....

    Hey anyone with a daughter would understand the attraction.

    Anyone whose had a daughter knows how stupid the chooses are that your cute little darling makes when she brings home the gang members and heroin users, the bikers and musicians.......

    And those are the better looking ones she's fucking when she's out being given drugs by every horndog on the planet !


    Civil War or WW3?

    The Mental Illness Excuse:

  47. FBI CAPO Steve Silva, a "reporter" always at the right place at the right moment:

    1. Patriarch, check out this on,back on June 1, 2013:

      Phony Woman Busted as Fake Witness Sandy Hook and Boston Hoax

      There's more than one "super witness."

      More hoaxes are probably planned for 2014. People are becoming aware, but not fast enough. The hoaxes must all be exposed.

  48. No, MIT, the free school was gravy to the local community. Did you read the articles above? Do you still not understand why this is important?

    If this was a staged shooting, it was to take away guns.

    The families immediately lobbied Congress and told them that they had blood on their hands.

    If it comes out that the federal government staged a school shooting hoax to take away the Second Amendment Constitutional rights of American citizens--and that Obama discussed this with the Sandy Hook families on Air Force One--there is only one logical conclusion:

    The impeachment of the president of the United States.

    We are far away from that point right now. The MSM is asleep, and the highly redacted Sandy Hook report (with not even one photo of the alleged shooter) has been accepted as "case closed."

  49. News Flash!

    No new gun laws happened.

    There was no prospect of any new gun laws either.

    End of Story.

  50. News flash! Congress still didn't pass the new (unconstitutional) gun regulations, so Obama issued executive orders on guns last week. Obama cited Sandy Hook as the reason.


  52. "executive orders?"

    Whatever they are they don't amount to shit. He's just posturing.

  53. The government is now saying that all veterans are mentally ill (PTSD) and can't have a gun. An executive order took away their Second Amendment rights.

  54. If it is consenting ADULTS (18+) engaging in sexual behavior, it is O.K.!

  55. Everybody already knows servicemen can't be trusted with firearms.

    That's why at all military bases ammunition is kept under lock, and all the small arms are unloaded. Servicemen are not allowed to access ammunition until they have been deployed, and then it's controlled very carefully.....

  56. EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Fukushima Dangers on The Rise" (ESPECIALLY AT 6:55 TO 9:46) posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 7, 2014! According to Dr. Christopher Busby, a director of Green Audit Limited and a visiting professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Ulster, the "ENTIRE" PACIFIC OCEAN'S ECOSYSTEM is "COLLAPSING;" and I do NOT think the Pacific Ocean is the only ocean being effected! Because, some of the half-life's of certain isotopes (URANIUM, PLUTONIUM, ect.) are 1000's to millions of years!

  57. MARY KATHERINE HAM I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    That cheerful gorgeous Babe on Fox who not only has a brain for chatter but a bod for serious breeding got into it with Bill O'Reilly because she favors de-criminalizing marijuana.

    Oh Mary Katherine I always wanted to please you in the best possible way but now I want to devote my life to you <3 <3

    In a world where female pundits are either bony, humorless or angry Mary you are the athletic, even-tempered and wholesome female who'd I spend the rest of my dayz on earth delving into and exploring.

    SOUL MATES is the phrase that comes to mind, and could there be anyone on this planet more worthy of my full and devoted, singular admiration and efforts? Surely not.

    Mary Katherine you are the top, and some day when I'm feeling old, when the world is cold, I will feel a glow just thinking of you, and the way you look tonight [on Fox News].

    With each kiss our tenderness grow, tearing my fears apart. And that laugh that wrinkles your nose, touches my very heart!

    Sunshine never never change. Keep that breathless charm. Won't you please arrange it cuz I love you, and the way you look tonight [on Fox News]......

  58. But oh my dear our love is here to stay...

    Together we're,

    Going a long, long way.....

    With time the rockies may crumble,

    Gibralter may tumble....

    They're only made of clay,


    Our love is here to stay!

    xo xo xo xo xo


  59. EVERYONE MUSRT SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Retired Military Scientist Exposes Fukushima Cover-Up" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 8, 2014! Lee Ann McAdoo (INFOWARS NIGHTLY NEWS REPORTER) interviewed Dr. Richard C. Davis M.D., who is also an "EXPERT" on radiation! Dr. Davis believes, from a scientist point of view, the radioactive isotopes will eventually reach all parts of the EARTH; and said radiation from FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR POWER STATION could significantly effect the "ENTIRE" ECOSYSTEM OF THE EARTH!!!!! Leuren Moret (TOP GEOSCIENTIST) concurs with Dr. Davis' findings!

    EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "High Radiation Levels Confirmed At Half Moon Bay, California" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 8, 2014! Alex Jones sent a crew out to the WEST COAST to examine the radiation levels! What they found so far is extremely alarming!

  60. EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Radiation Out of Control in California" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 8, 2014! There are several "HOT SPOTS" on the WEST COAST (especially California)! The "MAIN PROBLEM" is: Some of these radioactive isotopes have a "half-life" of several thousand years or significantly more (millions of years)! Therefore, this radiation is going to be bio-accumulating for several years; and this is going to significant the "ENTIRE" ECOSYSTEM, which is going to "MASS-GENOCIDE" BILLIONS overtime (FOOD ????)!


    EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Radiation Out of Control in California" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL (AUTHENTIC) on January 8, 2014! There are several "HOT SPOTS" on the WEST COAST (especially California)! The "MAIN PROBLEM" is: Some of these radioactive isotopes have a "half-life" of several thousand years or significantly more (millions of years)! Therefore, this radiation is going to be bio-accumulating for several years; and this is going to [correction] significantly effect the "ENTIRE" ECOSYSTEM, which is going to "MASS-GENOCIDE" BILLIONS overtime (FOOD ????)!

  62. Why should homosexuals be denied a sexless dissatisfying marital life like the rest of us heterosexuals? : ) I say go forth and marry ! Their civil rights should not be over ruled by someone's religious beliefs. I mean equal rights are equal rights….right?

  63. EX means:
    Thanks for the EX perience
    Our time has EX pired
    Now EX it my life !

    Ha !

  64. Raymond yes from a legal standpoint true. However, you are the one who keeps bringing up GOD in most all of your discussions here, which is why your behavior seems incongruous with your written words and supposed belief system and its Biblical basis. If you are claiming to be a Christian, then I will call you a "Cafeteria Christian", i.e. one that picks what he likes and leaves the rest, sorta like what you do at a cafeteria restaurant. As to the general guidelines for a "Prophet", one might argue as the Adventists do, namely 2 tests of a prophet is that they 1. Keep the testimony of Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and 2. That they Keep the 10 Commandments, and I don't think one of them is to fuck prostitutes, thats all I'm saying, and that for people who use the Bible as a life guide.

  65. Thank you, learn from history. At least MIT doesn't Bible thump us amidst his prostitute tales.

  66. Amidst all the insanity here, is it not too much to get back on topic with Godfather Government Politics?

    Dr SP makes the very good biblical observation that as they sow, they reap.

    Look for 2014 to be the Year of the Libertarian Revolution or armed rebellion, voters' choice:

  67. تعتبر شركة تنظيف منازل بجازان من أشهر وأفضل شركات التنظيف التي تقدم خدمة متميزة وتقدم كل ما هو جديد في عالم خدمات التنظيف المنزلية بالإضافة إلى أنها تواكب وتسير مع التطورات التكنولوجية حيث تستخدم أحدث المعدات والآلات الحديثة لكي تضمن لعملائها الكرام خدمة متميزة في عالم التنظيف واحترافية في العمل من أجل كسب ثقة عملائها ومستخدميها داخل الشركة حيث إن شركة تنظيف بجازان حاصلة على اعتمادات وشهادات مكاتب وخبرات دولية في مجال تنظيف المنازل في جميع صورها وأشكالها سعيًا للحصول على ثقة عملائها.

    وتعتمد شركتنا اعتمادًا كليًا على طريقتين في خدمات تنظيف المنازل وتكون هاتين الطريقين من أكثر الطرق تميزًا وتقدمًا في هذا المجال الحديث سواء كان اعتمادها على التنظيف بأجهزة البخار وهي أجهزة تعمل على امتصاص الشوائب والأتربة التي تعلو الأسطح، ثاني طريقة تعتمد عليها شركة تنظيف المنازل في جازان هي استخدام المنظفات الحديثة وذلك حيث القضاء على الأطعمة والمشروبات اللاصقة والمسببة للبقع على الأسطح الخارجية.

    مما لا شك فيه أن النظافة من أهم الأمور التي يجب على الإنسان أن يحافظ عليها وعلى وجودها بكل شيء من حوله، فلولا وجود النظافة من حولنا لانتشرت الفوضى والأمراض والأوبئة في كل مكان حولنا، ولهذا فمن الضروري أن نهتم بها حتى نستطيع أن نعيش الحياة النظيفة والآمنة دون أن نعرض أنفسنا ولا من حولنا لأي ضرر من أي نوع، وهذا هو ما تقوم شركة تنظيف بجازان بتوفيره لجميع عملائها بكل مكان، وهذا من خلال إستراتيجية العمل القوية جدًا التي تعمل من خلالها.
    شركة تنظيف منازل بجازان
    شركة تنظيف في جازان
    شركة رش دفان في جازان
    شركة عزل خزانات بجازان
    شركة عزل مسابح بجازان
    شركة تنظيف كنب بجازان
