Looking at some of the contents of the Daily Mail forum, unfortunately the public are buying this 'tosh' hook line and sinker. We have a new improved 'Terrrrurist' group called Khorosan with their 'Toothpaste Bombs' (stop selling them the toothpaste then!) as the new Beardie Bogeyman of choice. I was quite amused the other day because Police boarded a Plane because of an alleged IS logo on a bag...like they have their own luggage range now. The good new is I am regularly on LBC the largest Talk Radio in the UK and phone in to get info from here and other sources out. Yesterday I got about 10 mins on IS, John Mcain etc talking about it as a manipulation and was not 'cut'. The MSM really are playing out 'The Hero with a Thousand faces thing or Star Wars as a blueprint. How fantastic would it have to be for people not to buy the narrative?
Looking at some of the contents of the Daily Mail forum, unfortunately the public are buying this 'tosh' hook line and sinker. We have a new improved 'Terrrrurist' group called Khorosan with their 'Toothpaste Bombs' (stop selling them the toothpaste then!) as the new Beardie Bogeyman of choice. I was quite amused the other day because Police boarded a Plane because of an alleged IS logo on a bag...like they have their own luggage range now. The good new is I am regularly on LBC the largest Talk Radio in the UK and phone in to get info from here and other sources out. Yesterday I got about 10 mins on IS, John Mcain etc talking about it as a manipulation and was not 'cut'. The MSM really are playing out 'The Hero with a Thousand faces thing or Star Wars as a blueprint. How fantastic would it have to be for people not to buy the narrative?