Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Here's my blog from a year and a half ago on the 6000 page "torture report" , fyi.


  1. Caught the news today regarding CIA torture then reread your blog from last year!! Well that's a white lie I half read it in point of fact! I got as far as you telling your readership that torture is "TOTALLY USELESS" and how you have never had to react in such a manner!!! We heard it first again! Where is it going wrong I'm asking myself and why are the people involved not listening to people who actually know what they are talking about? If I a blue collar construction worker can grasp and understand these insights shared surely someone supposedly more erudite should find it a piece of cake to follow! There used to be terms such as "carrot and the stick" and "you've got to set a sprat to catch a mackerel" now unfortunately its stick a pipe up your arse to be force fed or if your really lucky be chained to a floor listening to led Zeppelin whilst having to shit in a bucket!!! My how we have evolved

  2. Yes it is so logical, now, wow, if US courts have punished earlier for same torture in time of war others (nazis, militarists) than by law they must now punish their own. Rules of pax americana and victory against bad guys in WW2 have rules which must be respected or victory is abolished by those who won, same position, same deed, same precedent. Unity of victory.

  3. Thanks Steve - I missed this the first time around. Keep the ball rolling and good health always.

  4. While lesser men all apart with age those with healthy minds from the beginning continue to flourish and each year gets better and better...
