Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I'll be LIVE on Alex Jones' Show at 2pm. You don't want to miss this! 


  1. Unleash the hounds of infowar! Givem hell Dr.P

  2. Great energy in that talk. It cut through powerfully. You need to get another 15 minutes out of these talks for the phone in audience.

  3. Here's your interview, Dr. P.

  4. First class as always Dr P. I love how you actually name names concerning 9/11. Like 'Dr Dooley' I noticed which links in with the Le Figaro and Guardian articles about OBL's time in hospital when he was visited also by the local station Chief (who boasted about the meeting, Duh!) and head of Saudi Intelligence, as OBL was so ill. (One of my Uncles died of Marfans at 45 suddenly). Also your almost Freudian take of CIA as Father figure to those 'lost', Presidents Clinton and Obama. Interestingly I remember the late Christopher Hitchen saying that he thought young Bill Clinton was an informer while they were at Oxford because wherever they went fot anti-Vietnam protests the authorities would be waiting in London. Maybe Bill and Barry experienced 'Castration anxiety' that their pseudo Father might come after them, if they did not behave, as they did with JFK. Regarding the 'Narcissism' maybe the CIA has fallen in love with its own film image be it Bourne or whatever, to build it's kind of Corporate ego, but then who would be the mirror-self it is searching for? Maybe it is a sort of infantile narcissism leading to paranoia, meglomania and psychosis which I suppose could lead to torture. Anyway I think the 'Alex' exposure will shift a lot of your books, and as I have mentioned before I think your take on a number of recent events would be very popular. The tide is definitely turning, to put it in perspective, now when Tony Blair goes out in London he has up to 12 armed bodyguards. Because so many citizens try to 'arrest' him for War crimes even in restaurants! He may own 12 houses and be wealthy but I suspect he is not very relaxed at least not in public, have a look at his most recent Christmas Card offering on Google Images, he looks so uncomfortable, like he has got a Polecat up his arse.

    1. Bill

      Do you remember the particulars of Hitchen's comments on Clinton. A book? Interview?

    2. Yes James, it is in 'Hitch 22', It is really good bit where it turns out Bill really did not inhale as he was allergic to smoke, but did like his cookies and brownies. Hitchens also relates that he got off with the same two lesbians as himself and group 'frolics'( my glasses just steamed up!) Chris didn't like him as a snitch and said he was reporting to Cord Meyer at the London Embassy.It is at Loc 2140 22% in on the Kindle. It is also on Youtube but I cannot remember which. If you go to Youtube you can see MP George Galloway (Hitchens nemesis) giving your Senate some new orifices, its great!

  5. Well that sounds like a job tailor made for our CIA then Bill... removal of Tony Blair's Pole Cat from his arse. Or as WXXX has called it in one of his blogs... "Excrem-INT lol. Apparently their is a lot of intel to be had, up people's asses these days. : /

  6. I think the CIA could have spun this "enhanced interrogation" thing a little better than they did frankly. I mean why didn't they just add fiber optics, and just call it part of their ongoing efforts to check for pre cancerous polyps or something? And what were you doing up Aimal's ass? "Why as part of our ongoing efforts to look after these detainees, we were delivering, umm, err, ah, healthcare of course, why do you ask?"

    1. Yes 'Learn from History' maybe they could have dynamic new names like the 'Arse Bandits', 'Knob Jockeys' or more business like 'Shirt Lifters', then reduce it to an acronym for radio messages AB2 to KJ1 yeah that works.

  7. Bill they knew where the secrets would be thus the name: CIA! : "Concealed in Ass" lol ! ; )
