
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Here is some background on the mayor of DETRIOT from 2002-2008.  Interesting to read.


  1. This shows how far down the slope of moral decay we have gone! This is country is definitely in a poor condition!

    EVERYONE can blame all of this on SKULL AND BONES! SKULL AND BONES is the root of almost all the EVILS within the UNITED STATES and other parts of the WORLD!

    SKULL AND BONES was initiated during 1832 by a prominent "ILLUMINATI" MASON and major OPIUM DEALER! SKULL AND BONES is a major branch of the "ILLUMINATI" that was started in Bavaria (GERMANY) by Johann Adam Weishaupt (JESUIT AGENT) during May 1, 1776!

    SKULL AND BONES quickly took control of the immediate region and YALE, UNIVERSITY! Then, SKULL AND BONES started on different initiatives around the WORLD, such as, gold mining (primarily AFRICA), diamond mining (primarily AFRICA), and especially DRUG TRAFFICKING!

    SKULL AND BONES financed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, financed Adolf Hitler (bastard child of one of the Rothschild family), financed Chairman Moa Tse Tung (mass-genocide about 80 million Chinese) of China! In fact, Chairman Moa Tse Tung was a member of the CHINESE CHAPTER OF SKULL AND BONES!

    SKULL AND BONES started the C.I.A., and SKULL AND BONES was involved in initiating several other intelligence agencies in Europe and elsewhere! In addition, SKULL AND BONES pushed through the UNITED STATES CONGRESS the legislation that initiated the N.S.A.! The N.S.A. main function is to cover-up any and all criminal activities of the C.I.A., especially domestic operations, such as, the J.F.K. ASSASSINATION and the attempted REAGAN ASSASSINATION!

    SKULL AND BONES helped do covert operations through the C.I.A. to set-up sub-groups for various things, such as, drug trafficking and other EVIL ACTIVITIES! For example, there are a lot of paid-off very corrupt police that do .......!

    SKULL AND BONES took over the WHITE HOUSE through Vice-President George H. W. Bush Sr. (SKULL AND BONES)! In fact, after the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, Vice-President George H. W. Bush Sr. ran the WHITE HOUSE! Furthermore, Vice-President George H. W. Bush Sr. ran IRAN/CONTRA, with significant assistance from Governor William Jefferson Clinton (SKULL AND BONES)! There is substantial evidence brought forth by former C.I.A. AGENTS before some of them were assassinated (YOU TUBE VIDEOS/interviews of Gene "Chip" Tatum by Ted Gundersen (former F.B.I. SUPERVISOR))!

    President William Jefferson Clinton (SKULL AND BONES) was significantly involved with DEREGULATION of questionable and criminal corporations, such as, Monsanto and the corrupt FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM!

    Illegitimate President George W. Bush Jr. (SKULL AND BONES) was elected by VOTER and ELECTION FRAUD, especially in Florida (2000 election) and Arizona (2004 election)! RENT ($2.99) THIS VIDEO DOCUMENTARY AT YOU TUBE: "HACKING DEMOCRACY" (documentary with Bev Harris of BLACK BOX VOTING)!

    During Illegitimate President George W. Bush Jr. (SKULL AND BONES) two (2) terms, the C.I.A. took complete control of the UNITED STATES! Pursuant to N.S.P.D. 51 and H.S.P.D. 20 (DETAILED CLASSIFIED VERSION DENIED TO THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS (SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Rep. DeFazio discussing NSPD 51")), upon a DECLARED NATIONAL EMERGENCY, the UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE BRANCH is taken over by C.I.A./F.E.M.A.! N.S.P.D. 51 and H.S.P.D. 20 became effective upon execution by illegitimate President George W. Bush Jr. (SKULL AND BONES), because illegitimate President George W. Bush Jr. (SKULL AND BONES) declared a "NATIONAL EMERGENCY" just after the "ATTACKS" on September 11, 2001 (FALSE FLAG STAND-DOWN OPERATION done by several intelligence agencies (including C.I.A., BRITISH INTELL, and MOSSAD) in concert with SAUDI ARABIA)!

    1. EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS SERIES OF VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "Charlotte Iserbyt: Secrets Of Skull And Bones Blown Wide Open 1/4" to 4/4 posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL ON November 4, 2011! Charlotte Iserbyt is the TOP EXPERT on SKULL AND BONES within the UNITED STATES! Charlotte Iserbyt's father and grandfather were members of SKULL AND BONES (SEE SAID VIDEOS)!

  2. The "ATTACKS" on September 11, 2001 constituted an "INSIDE JOB" (SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (Free 1-hour version)" posted by ae911truth (authentic scientific EVIDENCE); "'s - Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction-114min." posted by ae911truth (authentic scientific EVIDENCE); "Dr. Judy Wood's ICU Psy-Op Recovery Program - Stephen Shellen [Part 1]" to Part 3 posted by Pete Santilli (authentic scientific EVIDENCE); and "Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Death Ray" (proof of "STAR WARS" weapons by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT given by the late Dr. Fred Bell (assassinated by the C.I.A. for telling Jesse Ventura certain secrets))! Dr. Judy Wood is correct; however, it was a PARTICLE BEAM (U.S. "STAR WARS"), EXPLOSIVES, and THERMITE! Therefore, all three (3) W.T.C. BUILDINGS (especially W.T.C. BUILDING 7) were brought down by CONTROLLED DEMOLITION, while Marvin P. Bush and his (Marvin) cousin (Wirt D. Walker III) were in charge of "SECURITY" at the W.T.C. up to September 11, 2001 (SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Power Downs, Evacuations, Strange Events in Weeks Before 9/11" posted by Fred Woods on February 7, 2013)!

    There were two (2) trucks driven by MOSSAD AGENTS carrying explosives in New York City and New Jersey, and one (1) of the said trucks detonated on September 11, 2001 (SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11"; "9-11 Mossad 'Mural Van' - Police Radio Transmission"; "9/11 Witnesses & The King St. Truck Bomb"; "9/11 Evidence of Mossad Truck Bombs"; and "9/11 Truck Bombs Found On George Washington Bridge - CBS News Report")! Both N.Y.P.D. and New Jersey Police Department detained several MOSSAD AGENTS, and said MOSSAD AGENTS were ordered released by the BUSH JR. ADMINISTRATION!

    There were at least four (4) MOSSAD AGENTS doing strange work within the TOWERS just before the "ATTACKS" on September 11, 2001, while Marvin P. Bush and his (Marvin) cousin (WIRT D. WALKER III) were in charge of "SECURITY" (SEE ABOVE MENTIONED VIDEO AT YOU TUBE AND SEE THIS VIDEO: "Four MOSSAD Agents in World Trade Center Pre 9-11" Doing Construction" (Interview/Photo Evidence)")!

    As stated above, the "ATTACKS" on September 11, 2001 were to "set the stage" for the C.I.A./F.E.M.A. take-over! Illegitimate Obama was produced by the C.I.A. (SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "Cold Case Posse - Obama's Birth Certificate Investigation - Sheriff Joe Arpaio MCSO" posted by MCSOColdCasePosse (authentic EVIDENCE); "Sheriff Joe Arpiao - Cold Case Posse Obama Investigation Press Release 7-17-2012 Full" posted by TeaPartyTribune (authentic EVIDENCE); and "Sheriff Arpaio: Obama's Records Are Missing + Mike Zullo, Jerome Corsi Full Interviews." posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on March 31, 2012), and illegitimate Obama works for the C.I.A. (SEE THIS VIDEO AT YOU TUBE: "Conspiracy Theory W/ Jesse Ventura: BP Oil Spill [Season 2, Episode 7] (Full Length • HD)" posted by Justin Wallis (go to YOU TUBE CHANNEL) on December 15, 2010)!

    1. The RELEVANT PORTION of said VIDEO is: "Conspiracy Theory W/ Jesse Ventura: BP Oil Spill [Season 2, Episode 7] (Full Length • HD)" (especially at 30:35 to END (interview of Alfred Lambremont Webre (prominent international lawyer) and Jesse Ventura (former Governor of Minnesota))! Alfred Lambremont Webre explained to Jesse Ventura illegitimate Obama is a C.I.A. ASSET!

    2. Many people especially Dr. P. have commented on Obama's veneer & his inability to be a believable liar.
      What I want to know is who is running the CIA NSA & outsourcing contracts for FBI recruitment for entrapping patsies?

      Then the DOJ PROSECUTES IN A KANGAROO COURT. ( some witnessses who know Dzjohar & who attended his arraignment said the kid had a heavy foreign accent which Dzjohar did not - that he was a drug induced highly medicated stand in.)
      I believe it. I don't put anything past this CRIME SYNDICATE.

      Each prong of our government is doing their dastardly deeds.

      Surely John Brennan is a seat warmer: WHO SELECTED HIM? He's an incompetent idiot


      "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"- Patrick Henry.

  3. Technically, Mitt Romney actually won the 2012 Presidential Election (SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "Bev Harris: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on November 7, 2012; "Bev Harris: Shaving Votes to Get The Ideal Outcome" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on November 6, 2012; "Bev Harris: Get Ready for Massive Voting Fraud!" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on November 5, 2012; "Voting Machine Backdoor Guarantees Puppet of Choice Victory" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on November 12, 2012; "Electronic Slavery: Welcome to Voting USA" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on November 26, 2012; and "Election Fraud 2012: The Gov't Choosing Itself" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on October 24, 2012)!

    Mitt Romney won the primary via VOTER FRAUD and ELECTION FRAUD (SEE THESE VIDEOS AT YOU TUBE: "Bev Harris: Whoever is Controlling The Voting Machines is Ultimately in Power - Alex Jones Tv 1/2" to 2/2 posed by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on November 2, 2010; "GOP to Sabotage Ron Paul Even Further in New Hampshire! Activist Bev Harris Speaks Out 1/3" posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on January 4, 2012; and "What's Really Going on in South Carolina 1/2" to 2/2 posted by the ALEX JONES CHANNEL on January 16, 2012)! The BILDERBERG GROUP had already chose either Rick Perry or Mitt Romney to be only the "PLACE HOLDER"! All of the delegates, except Rep. Ron Paul, gave all their delegates to Mitt Romney; and all said delegates were given additional delegates (illegal padding) to ensure Mitt Romney would win the Republican nomination!

    1. [minor correction] .... All of the [correction] candidates, except Rep. Ron Paul, gave their delegates to Mitt Romney; and all said [correction] candidates were given additional delegates (illegal padding) to ensure Mitt Romney would win the Republican nomination!

  4. Dr. Steve Pieczenik M.D. Ph.D. please comment on what I have posted above, concerning SKULL AND BONES and other issues.

    Dr. Steve Pieczenik M.D. Ph.D. also read my attached comments to your Japan post on July 19, 2013. I discuss the scientific "EVIDENCE" substantiating "PROOF" the FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR INCIDENT (2011), along with the BP OIL SPILL (2010), constituted "INSIDE JOBS"! Leuren Moret (TOP GEOSCIENTIST) implicates the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY for intentionally planning and covering-up the FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR INCIDENT (2011) (SEE MENTIONED YOU TUBE VIDEOS (INTERVIEWS OF LEUREN MORET))!

    I have been waiting to hear from you on the other issues. Have you read what I posted at your FORUM (two (2) posts (BP OIL SPILL (2010) and FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR INCIDENT (2011)) and BUSH'S PERSONAL VENDETTA AGAINST ME (addressing the "IDENTITY SWITCH"))???
